If you're starting a job in Germany, you'll need to get a Steueridentifikationsnummer (tax ID number, a.k.a. Steuer-ID). Getting the number is a pretty straightforward process:
Register your address (a.k.a. do an Anmeldung) at your local Bürgeramt.
Receive your tax ID number in the post about four weeks later. To ensure you receive the number, make sure your name is on the doorbell and mailbox at your residence.
Don't know how to register your address? Find out how with our guide to getting settled in Germany.
I didn't receive my tax ID number
If it's been more than four weeks and your number hasn't arrived, then you can go to your local Finanzamt (tax office) and ask for your number. if you're in a major city, just make sure that you go to the correct office for your district. To get your number, you will have to bring your passport or official ID and your address registration from the Bürgeramt.
You can also request your tax ID number online and it will be sent to you by post within six weeks. Just be aware that your tax number will only be sent to the address where you are registered. If you've recently moved, then you will have to register your new address before you can receive your tax ID number.