You can switch from both basic to premium expat health, or switch from premium to basic expat health, both are possible.
However, please note:
If you upgrade from basic to premium, then the policies will be linked, and any medical illness/injury that start during your original basic policy will still be included and covered within your new premium policy.
However, if you downgrade from premium to basic, then these policies will not be linked, and any medical illness/injury from your premium policy will not be carried over or included in the coverage for your basic policy.
How do I switch?
Below are the steps on how to switch:
Sign up for a new policy first with your desired start date.
Eg. you currently have a basic policy and want to upgrade to premium on December 1st. You would log in to your Feather account and sign up for a premium policy with a start date of December 1st.
βOnce you have purchased your new policy, please contact us via our support page and let us know.
βWe will then cancel your original policy on your behalf on the day before your new policy is set to commence, thus ensuring no gaps nor overlap in coverage. In case of overlap, we will refund this to you :)
If you have any further questions, please reach out to us here.
If you would like to learn more about expat health insurance or would like to sign up, you can do so here.