If you are experiencing issues with our website, whether navigating the pages or signing up, it’s often due to a network or browser issue that you can resolve yourself. Please follow the troubleshooting tips below:
Check your Internet connection, ensure you have a stable connection, or try switching to a different network.
Disable or pause Adblockers and browser extensions temporarily, then try the page again.
Clear your browser's cache and cookies, then refresh the page.
Try Incognito mode or a different browser, for example, switch from Chrome to Safari.
Update your browser to the latest version, then try accessing the page again.
Check for network restrictions for example if you are using a corporate network, behind a firewall, or using a VPN try a different network.
If you have tried the troubleshooting steps and the problem persists, please reach out to someone from the support team. When contacting support, please provide the following information if possible:
Which browser you are using
Your network setup (e.g. are you connected to Wi-Fi or 5G?)
Any screenshots of the page showing errors (if possible)